{  Le Souffle  }

Le Souffle in Hiroo is the first genuine souffle restaurant I’ve ever been too. As soon as you enter, you imediately feel as though you’ve walked into a classic restraunt that’s been around for ages. This restaurant serves both lunch and dinner but we went only for the dessert.

Who knew there was so many different types of souffles?! Vanilla, Citrus, Mint, Amande, Grand-Marier, Cassis, Coconuts, etc. We went with the Vanilla since it was our first time. It takes 20 minutes to make from the time you order. The wait went by quickly as I sipped on a latte and looked forward to trying the dessert. Once ready, the fluffiest picture perfect souffle i’ve ever seen was brought to our table. I hope the photo taken with my iPhone does it justice because it was art that came to the table. The souffle was so delicate, as soon as you put a spoon through it, it deflated. It wasn’t too sweet – which allowed me to finish the hot and fluffy souffle very quickly.

Love that they have instructions on how to eat it a souffle properly :)



メニューを見て驚いたのは様々な種類のスフレがある事でした。バニラ、シトラス、ミント、アーモンド、オレンジリキュール、カシス、ココナッツetc. 今回が初めてだった事もあり、王道のバニラを注文しました。オーダーしてから20分かかりますが、実際そこまで長くは感じませんでした。テーブルに運ばれてきたスフレは、今まで見たこともない程のふわふわ感でまさにアートでした。iPhoneで撮影した写真でそれが伝わると良いのですが… スフレはとてもデリケートでスプーンを入れるとすぐにしぼんでしまう程。熱々でふわふわのスフレは甘すぎず、あっという間に完食してしまいました。



Address // 2F, 3-13-10, Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan (map)
Phone Number // 03-5474-0909
Website // n/a
